Sunday, July 8, 2012

What Is Mission: Small Business Anyway? ? SMB Advice & Tips

Filed under the topic: mission

?You do it all to drive your business forward.?

It?s fuel. It?s drive. It?s you and your business. It?s Chase and LivingSocial. And it?s a heady sum of a $250,000 individual grant that only 12 recipients will be awarded by a panel of hand selected small business experts this year.

Having just kicked off on May 7th this year, Mission: Small Business?is the brainchild between Chase and LivingSocial, a program designed to provide 12 small businesses funding across the United States in the form of a grant worth $250,000. And with only two days left until the due date for submitting an application, I thought I?d sit down for a quick Q&A session with Beverly Kennedy, general manager for Ink from Chase, to discuss the grant, it?s application process, the esteemed panelists picking the grant recipients, and what Mission: Small Business means to her.

Deborah Sweeney: Describe the objective of Mission Small Business in 140 characters or less (Tweet it,if you will).

Beverly Kennedy: Mission: Small Business aims to provide small business owners with the capital needed to grow their business.

DS:?And now let?s go long form on what it is.

BK: As part of an ongoing commitment to small businesses, Chase has partnered with LivingSocial to launch Mission: Small Business, a new grant competition offering up to $3 million to small businesses nationwide.? The program aims to find the most inspiring small businesses and provide them with capital, innovative marketing resources and financial advice to help grow their business and make a positive impact within their communities.

DS: What is the grant exactly?

BK:?Chase and LivingSocial are offering 12 grants of $250,000 to help small businesses achieve measurable growth.

DS: How does the application process work and what are the requirements to enter?

BK:?Through June 30th, small business owners who have been in business for at least two years and have less than 100 employees are invited to enter the competition at the official Mission: Small Business website?where they can also find out more about specific eligibility requirements.

View the original article here

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Relative Terms: Anyway | Small | Mission | business

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