Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mass GOP files complaint against Dykema over campaign contributions

The Massachusetts Republican Party today filed a complaint with the Office of Campaign and Political Finance accusing state Rep. Carolyn Dykema of illegally accepting corporate contributions to her campaign.

The Holliston Democrat accepted donations from four corporations toward raffle prizes at her annual Senior Picnic on Aug. 21 in Hopkinton, the GOP charges in a letter to OCPF Director Michael Sullivan.

?According to M.G.L. 55:8, a candidate cannot accept anything of value from a corporation to help a candidacy,? Mass. GOP Executive Director Nate Little wrote. ?We believe that Representative Dykema solicited these contributions, and insist that these businesses are not responsible for donating to Representative Dykema?s efforts.?

The corporations named in the complaint are Bird in Hand LLC, Colella?s Super Market, Inc, Fiske?s General Store, Inc. and Red Barn Coffee Roasters, Inc.

Little added that other ?gifts? to the picnic from other companies listed in a Dykema newsletter were not listed as in-kind contributions to her campaign.

?We respectfully request that you act upon these issues quickly as Representative Dykema should not be able to benefit from these corporate donations during this election season,? Little wrote.

In a press release, Little called for Dykema to ?do the right thing? and return all the funds raised in connection with the picnic immediately.

?We hope that the Office of Campaign and Political Finance takes immediate action to hold her accountable for skirting the laws set up to keep corporate interests out of government,? he said.

Reached this afternoon, Dykema denied the GOP?s allegations.

"This is not a campaign event. This is an annual event I hold during campaign years and non-campaign years,? she said.

The senior picnic dates back about 20 years, she said, and was sponsored by the representatives before her.

?If there is in fact a problem I will rectify it, but this event is totally in support of our local seniors,? she said.

The donations in questions were gift cards raffled off directly to seniors, she said.

?These contributions didn?t come to me,? she said, nor did she solicit donations of any kind at the event.


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