Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Corporate and Labor Union Political Spending Disclosure Requirements Compared in New Public Citizen Publication

By Adam Crowther and Taylor Lincoln

Money Tunnel

Flickr photo by Keith Ramsey

Today, Public Citizen released an in-depth fact sheet on the similarities and discrepancies in reporting requirements imposed on unions and corporations for their political spending.

Given all the hand wringing by Republicans over allegations that the rules are tilted in favor of unions, the information will likely surprise you. In fact, unions already are subject to significant public reporting requirements that pertain solely to them, whereas corporations are not.

The sources of about one-fourth of outside spending in all 2012 federal races?and about half of ?outside spending in key Senate races?were kept secret. The DISCLOSE Act (S. 3369) would fix most of this. But here too, the solution is being held up by Republican complaints that the measure is stacked against corporations.

The rational invoked by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is a key example of this type of complaint. Even McCain, a longstanding champion of campaign finance reform and a vocal critic of Citizens United v. Federal Election commission (he has called it ?the worst decision of the United States Supreme Court in the 21st century?), has opposed this seemingly common-sense bill.

McCain?s explanation for voting against the bill was that its $10,000 threshold (per two-year election cycle) for disclosure of political contributions represented a ?a clever attempt at political gamesmanship? by forcing ?some entities to inform the public about the origins of their financial support, while allowing others?most notably those affiliated with organized labor?to fly below the Federal Election Commission?s regulatory radar.?

The $10,000 threshold would unfairly target corporations, McCain argued, because union funds tend to represent a portion of aggregated union dues of far smaller amounts. ?What is the final difference between one $10,000 check and 1,000 $10 checks?? McCain asked in a statement accompanying his vote against the bill. ?Other than the impact on trees, very little.?

But the difference is very significant, as McCain no doubt is well aware. Much of election law is based on the premise that large contributions have more potential to cause corruption than small ones. This is the reason for contribution limits and disclosure thresholds. Contributions to candidates have been capped at relatively modest amounts relative to overall campaign costs since modern election laws were instituted in the wake of the Watergate scandal. (At present, an individual is limited to contributing $2,500 per election to a candidate.)

Likewise, the law requires disclosure of contributions of $200 or above to candidates and conventional political action committee, while smaller contributions do not have to be disclosed. McCain almost certainly accepts the corruption theory that underlies these laws.

McCain?s allegation that the bill?s thresholds were cleverly set to favor unions also lacks merit.

A scenario could exist in which a reporting threshold was intentionally designed to affect one type of organization and not another, thus creating an illusion of fairness. But that does not appear to be the case here. ?Union dues are so small that political contributions by individual union members do not get anywhere near $10,000. For instance, according to its required report to the government, AFL-CIO members? dues are just $9 per month, and the union uses only a fraction of that for political expenditures. If the authors of DISCLOSE were trying to maximize corporate disclosure while exempting unions, they would have chosen a threshold far below $10,000.

A spokesman for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), the author of the Senate version of the DISCLOSE Act, said in a statement to Public Citizen that the $10,000 threshold was selected to ?reduce the burden as much as possible for all covered organizations while still having meaningful disclosure.? In other words, a high threshold was chosen to minimize the burden on organizations in general, not to assuage unions. Whitehouse?s office also expressed the senator?s willingness to compromise with McCain.

In reality, most supporters of campaign finance reform would consider a $10,000 threshold too high, not because it provides an unfair advantage to unions over corporations, but because it provides an additional unfair advantage to groups that operate outside the conventional campaign finance system over those that are subject to conventional limits.

Citizens United already has granted an unfair advantage to outside entities by stipulating that their expenditures?and thus contributions to them?may not be limited. The single nod that Citizens United gave to advocates of a regulated campaign finance system was the decision?s wholehearted endorsement of disclosure. It is difficult to find justification in a system that affords unrestricted outside entities more permissive disclosure rules than those that are required to abide by contribution limits.

Still, any comprehensive disclosure regime that mandates reporting would be a vast improvement over the Wild West reality that has prevailed during the last two election cycles, even if the threshold were set as high as $10,000.

A simple solution would be to offer those who claim inequity the opportunity to choose the threshold for which political contributions would need to be disclosed. Any threshold between the conventional $200 level and the $10,000 proposal in DISCLOSE should be accepted.

Urge your members of Congress to support disclosure and other reforms to combat the effects of Citizens United.

Adam Crowther is a Researcher for Public Citizen?s Congress Watch. Taylor Lincoln is Research Director for Public Citizen?s Congress Watch.


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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Exclusive: Banks offer to help Sony offload battery unit - sources

TOKYO (Reuters) - Sony Corp has been approached by at least three investment banks offering to sell its battery business as the struggling Japanese group looks to offload non-core assets and focus on reviving its consumer electronics business, banking sources said.

Selling the unit, which employs 2,700 people and had sales last year of $1.74 billion, would help Sony cut costs and generate cash as it restructures its operations, three people involved in the preliminary discussions told Reuters.

The company, a byword for innovative gadgetry in the 1970s and 80s, has been battered by weak demand for its TVs in a fiercely competitive market. The TV business has racked up huge losses; Sony's market value has slumped to below $10 billion and ratings agency Fitch last week downgraded the company's debt to "junk" status - a move likely to push up borrowing costs and make asset sales more attractive.

CEO Kazuo Hirai has pledged to rebuild Sony around gaming, digital imaging and mobile devices, while nurturing new businesses such as medical devices. He is axing 10,000 jobs, closing facilities and selling assets. Any disposals would be part of a broader "garage sale" by Japan's leading electronics groups that are hurting in weak markets and tight financing.

Potential buyers for Sony Energy Devices Corp - founded in 1975 as Sony-Eveready, a joint venture with Union Carbide Corp - could include Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry and BYD Co Ltd, a Chinese carmaker backed by billionaire investor Warren Buffett, said one of the sources. Hon Hai is also in negotiations to become rival TV maker Sharp Corp's biggest shareholder.


Despite a strong yen, interest is likely to come mainly from potential foreign buyers, said the sources, who did not want to be named as the talks are private.

Selling the business overseas may not go down well with a Japanese government that in the past has kept technology at home by promoting alliances between local producers. Panasonic Corp, NEC Corp and Hitachi Ltd also make lithium-ion batteries, though the firms' fabrication technology differs.

Sony declined to comment on the possible sale of the business, which makes lithium-ion batteries used in smartphones, tablets and PCs. "At our corporate strategy announcement in April, (Hirai) said we would explore possible alliances in E-vehicle batteries and battery storage," said spokesman George Boyd.

As with TVs, Sony has struggled to compete against South Korean rivals in a battery business that is worth $18 billion a year. The small cells that power mobile devices now account for around 60 percent of the market, ahead of those used in cars and electrical tools, according to research company IHS iSuppli.

While lithium-ion battery demand has steadily expanded with the boom in mobile consumer electronics, severe price competition has resulted in razor thin margins that favor large-scale manufacturers with weak local currencies.

"The battery business is a prime example of the company's loss-making and unwanted assets. It doesn't make sense for them to keep it," said one of the banking sources.


As Hirai doubles down on Sony's strength in consumer electronics, the company has sold a chemicals company, with 2,900 workers, and may also let go its U.S. headquarters building in New York go. At the same time, it has spent close to $2 billion on a U.S. game clouding company and a stake in medical equipment maker Olympus Corp.

Sony produced 74 million lithium-ion battery cells in July-September - almost 40 percent fewer than in the first quarter of 2008, when its output topped Samsung SDI Co Ltd's 110 million and LG Chem Ltd's 54 million, according to Techno System Research in Tokyo. Sony's market share is now 7 percent, dwarfed by Samsung SDI's 27 percent, Panasonic's 21 percent and LG Chem's 17 percent.

Sony's battery unit, which also makes button batteries for watches and smaller appliances and optical devices, has three factories in Japan and two overseas assembly plants in China and Singapore. It has yet to enter the more lucrative business for automotive batteries.

In its most recent filing, Sony valued the battery unit's fixed assets, including production sites and machinery, at 52 billion yen ($633 million). Under Sony's accounting rules, asset sales are typically booked as operating profit.

The cost to protect $10 million of Sony debt against default for five years has edged higher this week to almost $400,000. The CDS spreads had tumbled earlier this month - from above 480 basis points - after Sony said it would raise 150 billion yen ($1.9 billion) through a sale of convertible bonds.

($1 = 82.1200 Japanese yen)

(Additional reporting by Reiji Murai; Editing by Ian Geoghegan)


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What's the Best Way to Save on Shipping When I Shop Online?

What's the Best Way to Save on Shipping When I Shop Online?Dear Lifehacker,
I'm planning on doing most of my shopping online this year. The gifts I'm buying are expensive enough; do I have to pay for shipping too? How can I cut down on shipping costs when I shop online?

Stingy Shipper

Dear Stingy Shipper,
A lot of popular retailers offer free shipping over the holiday shopping season, but not all of them do. That doesn't mean you always have to pay for shipping when you buy online. Here are some ways to save on those exorbitant shipping costs, and sometimes avoid them completely.

Shop at Amazon Using Amazon Prime and Super Saver Shipping

What's the Best Way to Save on Shipping When I Shop Online? No discussion of free shipping is complete without mentioning Amazon Prime. $79/year gets you free 2-day shipping on all qualifying purchases from Amazon and Amazon resellers, not to mention its other benefits. Plus, Prime is easy to get if you know someone with it and cheap if you're a student. If you do any Amazon shopping over the holidays, Prime pretty much pays for itself after a few purchases. Even if you tend to wait for the last minute (like I do) the $3.99/item next-day shipping option is much better than overnight if you're not a Prime subscriber.

Even if you're not willing to pay for Prime, keep an eye out for items that qualify for Super Saver Shipping, so you can get free shipping on your order after you rack up $25 worth of items. If you're having trouble finding $25 worth of stuff, head into Amazon Grocery, where almost everything qualifies, or use the previously mentioned Amazon Filler Item Finder to put your cart over the top.

Sign Up with A Free Shipping Service

What's the Best Way to Save on Shipping When I Shop Online? If you shop online at multiple sites, you can always sign up for a shipping service. ShopRunner is the most notable of these, and offers free 2-day shipping on all of your purchases from dozens of online and brick-and-mortar retailers, including Newegg, Lord and Taylor,, Blue Nile, Chefs, Toys R' Us, and more. The service will set you back $79/yr or $9/mo, and comes with a host of other membership benefits. You can also opt to pick up your order from local ShopRunner locations if they're available in your area, and the service offers free shipping on returns too if you don't get what you wanted or something's wrong with your order. The nice thing about going this route is that you get many of the features of a service like Amazon Prime, only across dozens of sites instead of just one.

Search for Retailers Offering Free Shipping or Use Coupon Codes to Make Up Shipping Costs

This is the time of year where free shipping abounds, and there's no better way to make sure you get free shipping and reward retailers that offer it than to speak with your dollars and shop with them. Even if free shipping is only offered for a short period, take advantage of it?if it's successful, the retailer will do it again. You'd be surprised how many online retailers pay close attention to the success or failure of small campaigns like a weekend of free shipping when it comes time to decide whether they should do it again later in the shopping season or next year. If the retailer is a brick-and-mortar retailer and you're shopping online, many sites offer free shipping if you're willing to pick it up at your local store.

What's the Best Way to Save on Shipping When I Shop Online? Similarly, dig deep for deals and coupon codes, either on some of our favorite deal sites or coupon sites like RetailMeNot, CouponChief, and to see if there are active codes for free shipping. is a whole site dedicated to free shipping discount codes (even though they've branched out into other coupon codes as well.) Even if there aren't, you may be able to snag a tidy discount on your purchase that'll offset the cost of shipping.

Finally, keep your eyes peeled for Free Shipping Day, scheduled for December 17th, 2012, where dozens of retailers will offer free shipping on purchases just in time for the holidays. Free Shipping Day is actually the brainchild of the people behind, and so far they have over 800 large and small retailers participating in the event, and plan to have over 1,000. Like any "shopping holiday" though, make sure the prices you pay for the things you buy are worth the money, and the retailer hasn't just marked up the items you want to cover their shipping costs. The goal is to save money, after all.

You Can't Avoid All Shipping Fees, But You Can Minimize Them

Many retailers just can't afford to eat shipping costs for their products, even if they're large and well known brands. If it really burns you to pay shipping on your order, call and ask the retailer to waive the cost, or if they can help you out with a discount code or gift card to cover the shipping costs. Online retail is a fiercely competitive business. If you ask nicely and aren't a jerk, the retailer may waive your shipping just to keep your business (or the service rep you speak to may do it just because you're nice and treat them like a human being.)

Small, independent retailers and craft shops like Etsy are usually run by one or a small group of people, and eating shipping costs means they don't make money and can't stay afloat. You'll get awesome gifts and gear from those shops, but there's little chance you'll get free shipping, even if you ask. Instead, plan ahead and make sure you have plenty of time to get the item sent to you, and choose the most affordable shipping you can trust. That way you get a good deal on a great item, and even if you have to pay a little in shipping, you didn't have to shell out for overnight or expedited.

We hope this helps! Happy shopping, and we hope you find some bargains (and don't pay too much to get them to your door in the process!)


Have a question or suggestion for Ask Lifehacker? Send it to

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Divers, cadaver dogs search for missing teen

By NBC News staff

Updated at 11:11 a.m. ET -- A dive team from the New Mexico State Police was resuming its search near the dam at Vallecito Reservoir on Monday for Dylan Redwine, a 13-year-old boy who disappeared from his father's home during a court-ordered visitation over Thanksgiving in southwestern Colorado.

La Plata Co. Sherrif's Dept.

According to The Durango Herald, the divers began the search Sunday in an area that cadaver dogs had flagged Saturday while aboard watercraft.

No remains had been found by Monday morning.

Cadaver dogs and patrols were also going out around the 12 miles of shoreline, La Plata County Sheriff?s Office spokesman Dan Bender told NBC News on Monday.

"It's been devastating for the family," Bender said.

Dylan was reported missing on Nov. 19 by his father, Mark, who said he left the house in Vallecito, La Plata County, about 7:30 a.m. and returned a few hours later to find his son gone.?

Boy, 13, missing in Colorado after court-ordered holiday visit

Dylan was described as 5 feet tall, 105 pounds, blond hair, blue eyes with a fair complexion.?He was last seen wearing a blue and white Duke Blue Devils baseball cap, a black Nike T-shirt, black basketball shorts, black Jordan tennis shoes and a black backpack.

On Saturday, about 200 volunteers and law enforcement officials went door to door in the region and?searched hills near Vallecito Lake, the Denver Post said.

"Every time someone sees a young male child with light hair or with a black backpack we're getting calls," Bender said, adding that there had been no confirmed sightings of Dylan.

The Herald said police are also looking to speak with two boys who were seen by a postal worker on Nov. 19 at the Vallecito Lake Country Market, according to Bender.

The postal worker, who knows Dylan, said one of the boys looked like him, adding that both teens were also wearing black backpacks. As of Monday morning, Bender said police had not heard from the two boys.

According to a news release, the La Plata County Sheriff?s Office is ?working with local representatives of the FBI to share information and resources as they continue to develop leads on where Dylan may be," The Herald reported.

?Scenarios from abduction to runaway are being examined,? the release said. ?Without any new clues, we have to continue to consider any and all possibilities." The FBI has not officially taken over the investigation, Bender told NBC News.

Dylan, his mother and his brother had moved to Colorado Springs this summer, NBC station KUSA of Denver reported.

Vallecito is more than 7,000 feet above sea level in the middle of rugged terrain. The weather in the area in the past few days has been clear and cool, with highs in the 50s and lows below freezing.?

Anyone with information on Dylan's whereabouts is asked to contact La Plata County Sheriff's Office investigators at 970-382-7015 or 970-382-7045.

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Egypt's stock market tumbles after Morsi's decree

CAIRO (AP) ? Egypt's benchmark stock index plunged by nearly 10 percent Sunday in the first trading session since the country's Islamist president issued decrees to assume sweeping new powers, while police in central Cairo fired tear gas at protesters who accuse the Egyptian leader of a blatant power grab.

President Mohammed Morsi's edicts, which were announced on Thursday, place him above oversight of any kind, including that of the courts. The move has thrown Egypt's already troubled transition to democracy into further turmoil, sparking angry protests across the country to demand the decrees be immediately rescinded.

The judiciary, which was the main target of Morsi's edicts, has pushed back. Judges and prosecutors stayed away from several courts in Cairo and across much of the country.

The nation's highest judicial body called on judges and prosecutors to return to work and announced that its members would meet with Morsi on Monday to try to persuade him to restrict immunity to major state decisions like declaring war or martial law.

With the opening bell of the country's stock market on Sunday, the first day of the workweek in Egypt, the turmoil spread from the country's bitter politics to its already ailing economy. The Egyptian Exchange's EGX30 index dropped 9.59 percentage points, making the losses among the biggest since the turbulent days and weeks immediately after the ouster in a popular uprising of authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak last year.

The loss in the value of shares was estimated at close to $5 billion.

Morsi, who narrowly won the presidency in June, said his measures were designed to "protect the revolution," but they triggered an uproar among non-Islamist political groups now vowing to press on with street protests to force him to back down.

Late Sunday, Morsi's office issued an English-language statement defending his decrees, repeating the argument he used when addressing supporters Friday outside his Cairo palace that the measures were designed to bolster the country's transition to democratic rule and dismantle Mubarak's old regime.

"The presidency reiterates the temporary nature of the said measures, which are not meant to concentrate powers," it said. The statement also pledged Morsi's commitment to engaging all political forces in drafting a new constitution. Secular and Christian members withdrew from the panel drafting the document, claiming that the Islamists who dominate the body have hijacked the process to produce a charter with an Islamist slant.

Prominent Egyptian democracy advocate Mohammed ElBaradei warned Saturday of increasing turmoil that could potentially lead to the military stepping in unless Morsi rescinds his new powers, as the country's long fragmented opposition sought to unite and rally new protests.

Egypt's liberal and secular forces ? long divided, weakened and uncertain amid the rise of Islamist parties to power ? are seeking to rally themselves in response to the decrees.

On Sunday, protesters clashed with police in Cairo's Tahrir square, birthplace of the uprising that toppled Mubarak, and in the side streets and avenues leading off the plaza. The Interior Ministry, which is in charge of the police, said 267 protesters have been arrested and 164 policemen injured since the unrest began a week ago, initially to mark the anniversary of street protests a year ago against the nation's then-military rulers. Forty-two protesters were killed in those demonstrations.

The ministry did not say how many protesters were injured in the latest clashes, but security officials put the figure at 260. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to release the information.

Several dozen protesters are staging a sit-in in Tahrir, vowing not to leave before Morsi rescinds his decrees. The two sides have called for massive rival protests on Tuesday at two Cairo locations less than a mile apart, raising the possibility of renewed clashes between supporters and opponents of Morsi.

In the latest sign of the unrest sweeping the country, suspected militants blew up a military installation under construction in the central Sinai Peninsula area of al-Qaseema early Sunday, wounding three workers, according to security officials speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media.

It was the second blast to target a military building in Sinai in as many days. On Saturday, another border guard structure under construction was blown up in Rafah, close to the Israeli border.

Nobody claimed responsibility for either attack, but authorities have been battling al-Qaida-inspired militants in Sinai who have stepped up attacks against Egyptian security forces, and even on occasion staged cross-border raids targeting Israelis.


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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Car Wraps: A complete New Strategy for Revolutionizing the ...

Vinyl wraps are typically applied in advertising businesses. These days however, it would appear that people are using vinyl wrap for other applications that does not include marketing and advertising.

Improving the Car's appearance using vinyl decals is now quite common in the car detailing industry. A method initially utilized in marketing has become applied in detailing cars and trucks. Inside detailing industry, this was dominated by car paints but right this moment automobile homeowners seem to see the key benefits of applying vinyl decals on their automotive. Today, covering the cars with amazing designs using decals has become a sought after technique in customizing cars.

One of the reasons why vinyl wrap is popular nowadays because it is inexpensive to apply on cars. Compared to conventional paints, vinyl decals is undeniably cheaper. The raw material is currently very abundant which is why car detailing shops are able to bring down the cost of vinyl wraps.

Another reason why car owners like the idea of putting decals is because wrapping does not involve a painstaking process similar to painting cars. Conventional painting takes time to accomplish and this is the reason why it costs more to repaint a car. However, the opposite is seen in the process of wrapping cars with decals. With the help of a photo editing software, an image can be achieved with the right color in a matter of hours. Instead of manually painting, the image is then printed on the vinyl using a large printer. After the whole image is printed, the vinyl cover is then wrapped around the car meticulously. This kind of installation cuts the detailing process in half saving everyone?s time and money.
Vinyl Wrap

Finally, the vinyl wrap is adapted by car enthusiasts because it does not permanently stick on the vehicle. Those who are looking for a temporary makeover can request for this technique given that vinyl detachable. Much like stickers, the decals are removable therefore allowing for an individual to enhance the motor vehicle as plenty of moments as they needs. In fact, vinyl wrap is a staple in car shows wherein same cars are exhibited but they exhibit different look each year.

Vinyl is undeniably a popular material used in car detailing. Car enthusiasts seem to embrace this technique because they find decals inexpensive and easy. These features benefit owners because it saves money and time.

Individuals who at the moment run a business are actually having fun with a brand new kind of marketing and advertising which market their services effectively to individuals. It's always in truth useful in relaying message to your community mainly because autos wrapped with promotional graphics are able to reach sections which aren?t accessed by other forms of advertising. As outlined by exploration, this new approach to marketing is very effective as it may possibly create 90 p.c recall charge and folks also answer positively once they see autos with graphics printed around the figure.
Vehicle Wrap Graphics

Presently, auto detailing firms are offering clients this kind of opportunity so they too can start increasing their sales. This is quite interesting because there are so many individuals right now who have asked for this type of program considering the fact that they feel during the many advantages cell marketing can have their organization. However, it is interesting to know that there are certain things business owners must know before asking the local auto detailing firm to wrap their cars with graphic wraps.

First, it is important to approach shops which have years of experience in this kind of service. Never settle for a company with knowledge in graphic style and design, experience in marketing and promotional functions should preferably be your top rated main concern. Some businesses only supply you with constructing and adding of motor vehicle graphics. Although expertise in these areas is essential, it is still best to consider firms with skills in advertisement since this is your foremost goal after all. Meanwhile, consider firms with amazing packages and after sales service. These will save you money especially if the company is willing to help you with your marketing expectations.

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No. 2 Alabama steamrolls Auburn 49-0

Alabama running back Eddie Lacy (42) scores a touchdown as Auburn defensive end Dee Ford (95) pursues during the first half of a NCAA college football game at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa, Ala., Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

Alabama running back Eddie Lacy (42) scores a touchdown as Auburn defensive end Dee Ford (95) pursues during the first half of a NCAA college football game at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa, Ala., Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

Auburn coach Gene Chizik reacts to a call during the first half of a NCAA college football game against Alabama at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa, Ala., Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

Auburn coach Gene Chizik, left, greets Alabama coach Nick Saban at midfield prior to their NCAA college football game at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa, Ala., Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

Auburn coach Gene Chizik, left, watches as quarterback Jonathan Wallace (12) warms up before the first half of an NCAA college football game against Alabama on Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012, in Tuscaloosa, Ala. (AP Photo/Butch Dill)

Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron (10) celebrates with receiver Kevin Norwood after throwing him a 7 yard touchdown pass during the first half of a NCAA college football game against Auburn at Bryant-Denny Stadium in Tuscaloosa, Ala., Saturday, Nov. 24, 2012. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

(AP) ? Alabama left no doubt it's tops in the state.

Proving it's the best team in the Southeastern Conference and perhaps the nation won't be nearly so easy.

AJ McCarron passed for four touchdowns and Eddie Lacy rushed for 131 yards and two scores to lead the second-ranked Crimson Tide to a 49-0 beatdown of rival Auburn on Saturday, the most lopsided Iron Bowl in 64 years.

The Tide (10-1, 7-1 Southeastern Conference) clinched the Western Division title outright and a spot in the conference title game against No. 3 Georgia with the winner likely getting a BCS national championship shot.

"To me, in all those games that I've been a part of, they are about as good as any game in the country other than the national championship game," Alabama coach Nick Saban said of the SEC title matchup.

Georgia will certainly present a tougher challenge the Tide faced Saturday.

Auburn (3-9, 0-8) completed the worst season for any team within two years of winning an Associated Press national title in what might have been the last game for embattled coach Gene Chizik.

University President Jay Gogue has only said he'll evaluate the program at season's end.

Chizik met Saban briefly at midfield, hugged McCarron, and walked off the field with cameras following his every move. He declined to discuss his future afterward.

"I'm not going to go into all of the job situation with any questions," he said. "This isn't about me. I've got a locker room of guys that are here that are very disappointed. That's my focus, I'm not going to entertain any of those questions. My focus is to be back in there with them."

Chizak said the Tigers' performance was "sad."

"Obviously that was a very disappointing loss, embarrassing loss to our state rivals," he said. "It was obvious to everybody.

"The Auburn fans, the Auburn alumni, don't deserve that."

And most haven't seen a game like this one. The biggest Iron Bowl margin was Alabama's 55-0 victory in 1948, the most lopsided in a rivalry that captivates a state.

This one could have topped that but Saban played subs for much of the second half. The Tide lost a fumble inside Auburn's 10 and then ran out the final seconds after getting to the 5.

Alabama outgained the Tigers 483-163 and had 25 first downs to Auburn's seven.

"We didn't take our foot off the gas," Lacy said. "We kept playing in the fourth quarter."

Auburn hasn't scored an offensive touchdown in the last two meetings since Cam Newton & Co. completed the rivalry's largest comeback in the Tigers' last visit to Bryant-Denny Stadium two years ago. This one supplied another milestone of sorts.

It's the first time Alabama has scored 40-plus points in two straight Iron Bowls, following last season's 42-14 win when Auburn managed to score on a kick return and fumble recovery.

The 42-0 halftime score was the same as the Tide had last week against FCS team Western Carolina, which finished 1-10. The previous largest halftime margin in the Iron Bowl was 34-0 by Auburn in 1957 in a 40-0 win during its only national title run before 2010.

"We had that sick feeling in our mouth," offensive lineman Chad Slade said. "You know, you hate to feel that way. I lost it last year, and I lose it this year. It's hard, it's real hard just to speak on it. Next year has to be a different story."

McCarron completed 15 of 21 passes for 216 yards in 2-1/2 quarters, including a pair of touchdowns apiece to Amari Cooper and Kevin Norwood.

Lacy ran 18 times for 131 yards, pinballing off defenders from a defense that ranks last in the SEC against the run.

Auburn freshman Jonathan Wallace completed 5 of 14 passes with two interceptions against the nation's top scoring defense. He's only the third freshman quarterback to start an Iron Bowl for the Tigers and first since Gabe Gross in 1998.

Wallace voiced his support for Chizik.

"He should be back. I definitely love coach Chizik and the whole coaching staff," he said. "They know exactly where this program needs to go, and they know what to do. I hope they are back next year. I really have no doubt. I really do believe they will be."

Tre Mason ran 21 times for 82 yards for Auburn, topping 1,000 for the season on the game's final play.

The Tide produced an array of big plays running and passing. McCarron and Cooper ? who had five catches for 109 yards ? connected for touchdowns of 37 and 29 yards. Norwood scored on a 7-yarder and a 38-yarder that completed the scoring with 24 minutes left.

Alabama produced touchdowns on its first seven possessions until a fumble deep in Auburn territory ended that streak.

The Tide also converted its first 11 third-down tries.

The worst news for Alabama was on the injury front. Saban said wide receiver Kenny Bell sustained a broken left leg and will have to have a rod inserted.

Auburn only pushed the ball across midfield only twice, making it as far as the Tide's 41 in the first quarter before punting. The Tigers have been outscored by 129 points in their last three SEC games, all against Top 10 SEC opponents Texas A&M, Georgia and Alabama.

The Tide shut out four opponents this season, the most in a season for Alabama since 1979. Last season's team also shut out LSU in the BCS title game in January.

"This was a great team victory," Saban said. "Everybody contributed. We asked for everyone to play their best game today. When you make a commitment to something, it comes from the heart, and I really thought our players did that."

Associated Press


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Saturday, November 24, 2012

How to set alarms and timers using Siri

Complete guide to Siri commands for alarms, timers, and the clock

Siri ties right into the iOS Clock app on your iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad 4, iPad mini, and iPod touch 5, which means if you want to be woken up at 7am, have a timer set for 10 minutes so the cookies don't burn, or find out what the hour is in Australia before you call, Siri can keep you alerted and on time.

How to set an alarm with Siri

Siri can set alarms quickly and easily.

  1. Press and hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. Tell Siri to set an alarm, along with the time. For example: "Set an alarm for 8pm", "Set an alarm for 5 minutes from now", "wake me up at 9am".

Siri will display the alarm widget on the screen. If you change your mind about the alarm, you can simply toggle it to "off". You can also tap the widget to be taken to the Clock app.

Note: Siri can?t set an alarm for more than one day in advance. If you try to use Siri to set an alarm further in advance, you'll be asked if you want to set a Reminder instead.

How to set a repeating alarm with Siri

If you want an alarm to repeat, for example, to wake you up at the same time every day, Siri can set that up for you as well.

  1. Press and hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. Tell Siri to set an alarm, along with the time. For example: "Set an alarm for 6pm every weekday" or "wake me up at 9am ever day".

When Siri displays the alarm widget, the repetition interval is show about the on/off toggle switch.

How to show current alarms with Siri

Over time, you may lose track of all the alarms you've set, especially inactive ones. Siri can show you list of all alarms, and their current status -- on or off.

  1. Press and hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. Tell Siri to: "Show all alarms".

You can quickly toggle any of the alarms shown from on to off or vice versa, or ask Siri to change or delete them. (See below.)

How to change an alarm with Siri

If you set an alarm, but later need to change it, Siri can handle that for you as well.

  1. Press and hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. Tell Siri which alarm you want to change, and what time you want to change it to. For example: "Change my 9am alarm to 9:30am."

How to turn off alarms with Siri

Nights get late, meetings get canceled, and plans change. If you no longer need an alarm, you can ask Siri to turn it off.

  1. Press and hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. Tell Siri which alarm you want to turn off. For example: "Turn off my 8am alarm" or even "turn off all alarms."

Note: Turning off is different than canceling or deleting. When you turn an alarm off, it remains available for you to quickly turn back on at any time, even manually. When you cancel or delete an alarm, it's gone completely and needs to be recreated if you ever want to use it again.

How to cancel alarms with Siri

When turning off alarms isn't enough, and you want them completely gone from your Clock system entirely, Siri a fast way to delete a specific alarm, and an incredibly fast way to delete all of them.

  1. Press and hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. Tell Siri which alarm you want to cancel. For example: "Cancel my 9:30am alarm" or go for the nuclear option and "cancel all alarms".

How to set a timer with Siri

Since the Clock app can set timers as well as alarms, Siri can set timers as well as alarms. Whether you're waiting for your cookies to bake, or your next set of circuit training to begin, Siri can make sure you always alerted at exactly the right time.

  1. Press and hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. Tell Siri to set the timer, and for how long. For example: "Set a timer for 10 minutes".

The Timer widget will remain visible on your screen until the timer goes off, or you leave Siri. Tap the timer widget to launch the Clock app and access the manual controls.

Note: Siri can only run one timer at a time. If you try to set another, Siri will ask you if you want to keep the current one or change to the new one. (See below.)

How to show, stop, or re-start a timer with Siri

If Siri is no longer displaying your timer, you can easily ask it to show you the timer again, and to pause/stop or start it whenever you like.

  1. Press and hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. Tell Siri what you want to do with the current time. For example: "Show timer", "stop timer", "start timer".

How to change a timer with Siri

Siri can also change the duration of a timer, if you need to increase or decrease the length for any reason.

  1. Press and hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. Tell Siri to change the timer. For example: "Change timer to 5 minutes".

How to find out the time with Siri

What if you need to know the time in Cupertino, California so you don't miss that Apple keynote? Or you want to find out the time in Rome, Italy, so you don't wake up nono too early? Just ask Siri.

  1. Press and hold down the Home button to activate Siri.
  2. Ask Siri the time in any location around the world. For example: "What's the time in Rome, Italy?"

Tap the clock widget to go to the Clock app for more options.

How to get more help with Siri

How to set alarms and timers using Siri

If you still need help with setting up or using Siri with your iPhone Contacts, or any other Siri feature, head on over to our Siri Forum and ask away!

Note: This article is an updated version of a previous how-to, adding video as well as new features from iOS 6, and newly supported devices.


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Friday, November 23, 2012

'Be Careful What You Wish for' Regarding Fiscal ... - Yahoo! Finance

Jim Rickards has a message for investors and politicians monitoring talks between Congress and the White House to avoid billions of dollars worth of spending cuts and take hikes set to take effect January 1: Be careful what you wish for.

"There are only bad outcomes," says Rickards, a partner at JAC Capital Advisors. "Taxes are going up no matter what. It's just a question about whether they go up for everybody [failure to agree] or target certain people [agreement]. Either way you're talking about a tax increase in the middle of a depression."

Related: Fiscal Cliff: Congress Will Come to a 'Reasonable Agreement' By Year-End, Says David Walker

Rickards says Republicans, who have so far opposed any tax increases, will eventually agree to higher taxes for the wealthy. "They've learned their lesson" from being bashed continually on their recent position, he says.

Politico, however, reported late Thursday that talks between the White House and senior Republican Congressional staffers got off to a slow start, featuring a GOP offer that includes freezing the Bush tax cuts, postponing tens of billions of dollars in automatic spending cuts for defense and reducing the inflation adjustment for entitlement spending.

Rickards ultimately expects Congress and the White House to reach a broad agreement before year-end that allows them to freeze tax rates, maintain spending with a continuing resolution and stop the clock on December 31. Then a final agreement will be reached by late January when the president delivers his State of the Union address.

In the meantime, Rickards advises investors to sell assets if they're sitting on large capital gains because those taxes, now 15%, will rise anywhere from 20% to 40%. "I don't know where that number will come out but I know it will be higher," says Rickards.

Related: 'Fiscal Cliff' Won't Lead to a Severe Recession: David Kotok

He says uncertainty about cap gains rates has already hurt stocks such as Apple, which has fallen 20% from its high of just over $702 on September 19. He expects the pressure from this uncertainty will continue to weigh on stocks until the end of the year.

Rickards says that, even if there is a fix for the fiscal cliff, there will still be plenty of unresolved issues affecting corporations, including repatriation of overseas profits, depreciation schedules and maybe investment tax credits. Says Rickards,"If you are a CEO, you can invest in India with more certainty than in the U.S."

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Blogger's death in Iran window onto cyber patrols

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) ? In his last blog entry, activist Sattar Beheshti wrote that Iranian authorities had given him an ultimatum: Either stop posting his "big mouth" attacks against the ruling system or tell his mother that she will soon be in mourning.

"We will tear down your cruel cage," Beheshti typed on Oct. 29 before signing off.

A day later he was arrested. Within a week, his family had collected his body. They began calls for an investigation that have been echoed by Washington, European allies and rights groups.

Arrests of activists and claims of abuse in detention are commonplace in Iran, but deaths behind bars are much rarer. Iran's judiciary responded to the growing pressure and authorized an investigation. It claims three of Beheshti's interrogators have been arrested while post-mortem reports are studied.

But while the specific circumstances of Beheshti's death may be given a public reckoning, the more far-reaching aspect of the case ? Iran's rapidly growing corps of Web watchers ? may remain in the shadows, as well as their motives in targeting an obscure blogger whose site was actively followed by more than a few dozen viewers.

The 35-year-old Beheshti apparently fell under the custody of Iran's cyber police, created last year with a wide mandate to crush Web dissent. The powers displayed in the case ? including questioning Beheshti outside the regular justice system ? suggests a level of autonomy and authority that could bring far more aggressive measures against Web activists.

"There's no question that the Internet is seen by Iran's rulers as a threat and something that needs to be tightly controlled," said Theodore Karasik, a regional security expert at the Dubai-based Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis. "Iran is investing serious resources on this front."

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei often refers to the need for stronger measures in the "soft war" playing out in cyberspace with the West and opposition groups. Iran also claims its technicians are working on a self-contained Internet that would somehow give authorities the ability to filter content.

The Islamic Republic already tries to block dissident websites and has jailed several well-known bloggers, including Hossein Derakhshan, who helped ignite the Iranian blog boom in 2001 by posting simple instructions to create sites in Farsi. In March 2009, a 29-year-old blogger, Omidreza Mirsayafi, died while being held at Tehran's Evin Prison.

At the time ? months before the major crackdowns following the disputed June 2009 presidential elections ? Iran's vibrant blogger community was baffled by Mirsayafi's arrest because he was well outside the clique of prominent Web activists. Now, similar questions are being asked about Beheshti and whether Iran's bolstered cyber-police units could be stepping up their surveillance and sweeps.

"With the recent declarations about Internet crackdowns in Iran, anyone who puts anything critical on the Web has to be thinking that there is a risk," said Mehrzad Boroujerdi, a Syracuse University professor who follows Iranian affairs.

Last month, the U.N.'s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights warned of "a further severe clampdown on critical voices" in Iran. Even a former Iranian intelligence minister, Ali Younesi, called Beheshti's death in custody a "disaster" for Iran's leaders. "It takes a long time to repair public opinion and international impact," he said shortly after authorities agreed to open an investigation. It could be weeks before the final report into the death is released.

Last week, Iran's state prosecutor Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejehi said Beheshti was detained for alleged cybercrimes and handed over cyber police for interrogation.

The coroner's report said the body had "signs of wounds" in five places but no broken bones, the semiofficial Mehr news agency quoted Ejehi as saying. But on Thursday, the Tehran prosecutor's office raised the possibility Beheshti could have died from "excessive psychological stress," suggesting that authorities are looking into causes of death other than abuse for the final report.

Beheshti was on the fringe of the Iranian online opposition. His blog,, had fewer than 30 viewers in October. Beheshti contributed to some better-known reformist websites from his home in Robat Karim, a town about 40 kilometers (25 miles) southwest of Tehran that includes many struggling families who migrated from even poorer provinces.

Beheshti had some run-ins with authorities, opposition websites reported, including being detained in 1999 after student protests at Tehran University. But by 2012 he was just one of hundreds of voices on the Web hitting the same notes: anger over the increasingly heavy hand of Iran's authorities and frustration over the systematic crushing of the pro-reform Green Movement after the 2009 postelection unrest.

As recently as September, Beheshti's blog posts were packed with political outrage, but nothing that would likely bring heat from officials. He chronicled the arrests and court hearings for activists and others. He kept lists of opposition figured behind bars.

In October, however, the tone began to shift. Beheshti began to flirt with the well-known red lines in Iran, including direct criticism of Khamenei and calls for open revolt. It's not known why he began to ramp up his defiance, but it appeared to coincide with heavier pressure from the Web-monitoring forces.

"As an Iranian, I hereby request all activists and parties to form a unified movement for a countrywide uprising," he posted Oct. 2. The following day he continued: "The only way to liberation is through civil protests and strikes. Violence is not our aim. We just seek our rights ... You, the rulers of the country, this is the anger of a world-weary nation. You better hear it."

A week later, he wrote an open letter to Khamenei. It accuses him of trying to cover up the depths of the country's economic crisis under Western sanctions seeking to rein in Tehran's nuclear program. "You suppress the protests with club and mace," he posted.

"At the moment, the poor and deprived are rebelling," he wrote Oct. 20. "If they really rise, even the Revolutionary Guard cannot stop them."

And again on Oct. 22, he returned to Khamenei and his control of Iran's judiciary, which he called a "slaughterhouse" for free expression.

"I can call you an artist," Beheshti wrote in reference to Khamenei, "in the art of killing. Believe me, I consider you an artist."

His last post he described alleged threats from authorities to close down the site or face being "shut up with no trace."

"They say I talk too much," he joked darkly.

"The Islamic Republic is putting immense pressure on activists and independent Iranians," he added, "telling them they have no rights to express their opinions about the affairs in the country; threatening them in various ways from arrest to torture ... to death in order to intimidate them.

"Don't intimidate us with your threats as there is no fear in our hearts."


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Copyright issue need to be monitored on the internet ? Business ...


Nowadays, online business is becoming more and more popular. But some problems also emerged.

We can see many products sold in different online stores. Some products are the same brand, but as for online e-business, we can not check the quality or the prices, which is matching the quality.

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Now we can see more and more watch stores opened online and they need more patent and copyright protection.

Government is trying to bolster internet copyright laws.

The Copyright Ordinances would be amended to protect intellectual properties being infringed on the internet.

However, Peter Cheung Kam-fai, director of intellectual property in Hong Kong, said whether derivative work would be considered a copyright infringement would be dealt with on case by case basis.

The authority would consider how widespread the derivative work was and how much damage it caused to the copyright holder. Online business is becoming more and more popular now and we can see many banks have rolled out different cards which are tailor made for online transactions.

Meanwhile, more and more illicit products, smuggled products and copycat products are sold hot on the internet.

In the past, smuggled products and illicit products are sold confidentially since the seller would deliver the goods to the buyers? house or designated places or spot. Both sides are not safe since they face risks of be captured by customs staff.

Nowadays, more and more smokers told others that they can buy illicit or smuggled cigarettes on the internet, which is cheap and safe. The prices are lower than that sold on the stalls.

A big network has cover the whole world since more and more illicit products and smuggled products are sold and bought on the internet, which may evade a large amount of tax.

We can see that some banned products are sold on the internet, such as assault weapons and iron lotus dadao as well as fireworks and fireworks transmitters, and pirated optical discs.

In fact buying such products breaches relevant laws, as some buyers may have not recognized this point.

IBUonline is a B2B portal, which has strictly verify the products posted on the websites and check the posters identity, too.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Stocks edge up ahead of Thanksgiving break

NEW YORK (AP) ? The stock market crept higher Wednesday ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. Major market indexes got a slight lift after news broke of a cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The truce was announced by Egypt's foreign minister and confirmed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A week of fighting has killed more than 140 Palestinians and five Israelis.

The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose three points to 1,390. Bank stocks and utilities fell the most, while industrial companies rose the most, but no category moved more than 0.5 percent.

The Dow Jones industrial average climbed 54 points to 12,842. Two expensive Dow stocks ? IBM and United Technologies ? each rose more than $1, giving the blue-chip average a lift. High-dollar stocks in the Dow carry more weight.

The Nasdaq composite index gained nine points to 2,926.

Deere, the maker of tractors and other farm and construction equipment, was down 4 percent. It reported a quarterly profit of $1.75 per share, missing Wall Street expectations of $1.88.

Chipotle Mexican Group, the restaurant chain, climbed 1.7 percent. It announced late Tuesday that it would buy back an additional $100 million of its own stock. That's in addition to a $100 billion buyback plan launched Oct. 18.

The quiet open Wednesday followed an uneventful finish Tuesday. The Dow dropped as much as 94 points after a warning from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke about federal budget talks, then recovered to close down just seven points.

The stock market will be closed Thursday for Thanksgiving and will close early Friday.

In the bond market, the yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note inched up to 1.68 percent.

European markets were mostly higher. Stocks climbed 0.4 percent in France and 0.2 percent in Germany. Asian markets fared better. The Nikkei index in Japan climbed 0.9 percent and the Hang Seng in Hong Kong 1.7 percent.


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Facebook proposes to end voting on privacy issues

(AP) ? Facebook is proposing to end its practice of letting users vote on changes to its privacy policies, though it will continue to let users comment on proposed updates.

The world's biggest social media company said in a blog post Wednesday that its voting mechanism, which is triggered only if enough people comment on proposed changes, has become a system that emphasizes quantity of responses over quality of discussion. Users tend to leave one or two-word comments objecting to changes instead of more in-depth responses.

Facebook said it will continue to inform users of "significant changes" to its privacy policy, called its data use policy, and to its statement of user rights and responsibilities. The company will keep its seven-day comment period and take users' feedback into consideration.

"We will also provide additional notification mechanisms, including email, for informing you of those changes," wrote Elliot Schrage, Facebook's vice president of communications, public policy and marketing, in the post.

Facebook began letting users vote on privacy changes in 2009. Since then, it has gone public and its user base has ballooned from around 200 million to more than 1 billion. As part of the 2009 policy, users' votes only count if more than 30 percent of all Facebook's active users partake. That did not happen during either of the two times users voted and it's unlikely that it will now, given that more than 300 million people would have to participate.

Jules Polonetsky, director of the Future of Privacy Forum, an industry-backed think tank in Washington, said the voting process was a "noble experiment" that didn't lead to informed debate.

Facebook said in June that it was reviewing how to get the best feedback from users on its policies.

Facebook is also proposing changes to its data use policy, such as making it clear that when users hide a post or photo from their profile page, the "timeline," those posts are not truly hidden and can be visible elsewhere, including on another person's page.

Polonetsky called Facebook's data use policy "kind of a good handbook" and a "reasonable read" on how to navigate the site's complex settings.

But most people don't read the privacy policies of websites they frequent, even Facebook's.

"I certainly recommend that people read it, but most users just want to poke someone and like someone and look at a picture," Polonetsky said.

Facebook's task, he added, will be to continue to evolve its user interface ? the part of the site that its users interact with ? so that answers to questions are obvious and people don't need to wade through the policy.



Blog post:

Associated Press


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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

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