Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What The Experts Didn't Tell You About List Building! - Marketing Aces

For the past 10 years I?ve earned my living on the Internet and a major portion of my income has always come from the names on my email list.

That?s obviously why everyone uses the expression that ?the money is in the list?. Your list is gold?but for how long?

Here?s what no one tells you?

  • Lists can get old.
  • Lists can dry up.
  • Huge lists don?t always mean big checks.

I hate to stomp on your dreams but here?s the truth; even if you were given a list of 10,000 email addresses (double-opt in, real names with a proven buying history) and even if you did make $1,000s for the first few months that you mailed to that list?

?If you never worked on leveraging that list to keep growing your opt-ins (subscribers) ? it would start yielding less and less returns ever year until you were making just a few dollars per month (if that!) from those names.

It doesn?t matter if you have a great relationship with that list, if it was a pure buyers list or if your name is Frank Kern!

I could ramble on and speculate about the reasons for this phenomenon (subscribers needs changing, familiarity with your offer?etc) but none of that matters. What does matter is that you know that list building will always be a part of your business!

If you don?t have an engine driving your list building?a list building machine built into your business right from the start, then you?re putting yourself at a disadvantage.

Everyone of the successful marketers that I know and that I?ve had dealings with has a system in place that cost effectively captures prospects? attention and efficiently turns those prospects into subscribers.

Surprisingly enough ? these are not usually their ?big launch funnels? where they can routinely gain 60,000 new subscribers overnight ? instead the real core of their business is build around the more modest list building machines that bring them a few dozen subscribers per day ? EVERYDAY! (That?s the key).

You NEED fresh subscribers everyday!

You can?t build a long-term Internet business on ?events?. Focus on systematized work-flows and incremental improvement.

I know money is tight for a lot of people and everyone wants their breakthrough today ? but $10 per month over time will always be more valuable than a 100 cash injection.

Master the fundamentals of direct response marketing and the unglamorous task of incremental improvement in everything you do and you?ll be far better off than landing some huge deal right now and not being able to sustain it?s profitability.

Source: http://marketingaces.com/what-the-experts-didnt-tell-you-about-list-building/

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