Thursday, November 15, 2012

10 Tips To Keep You On The Weight Loss Track | Obesity

Obesity rates have increased among all age groups in the United States. 15-25% of American children and adolescents are obese. More than half the population (54.6%) in the United States is overweight. It is of utmost importance to devise some sort of weight loss strategy and be steadfastly dedicated to it in order to lead a healthy life. In this article, we are going to discuss ten tips which can keep you on the weight loss track.

10 Tips to keep you on the weight loss track

1. Never Skip Breakfast:

It is a sin not to eat breakfast especially when you are nurturing weight loss aspirations. During the night while you were asleep the body has undergone fasting of 6-8 hours. Depriving food is like depriving fuel to the body to recharge and gearing up for the day. Skipping breakfast can cause the Basal metabolic Rate to drop by as much as 40%. Eating a full and nutritious breakfast can actually help you burn more fat throughout the day. Include complex carbohydrates and protein. Whole grains, skimmed milk, egg whites and whole fruit are some of the healthy breakfast choices.

2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water:

It is extremely important to drink at least 8 glasses of water. Keeping the body hydrated will help keep the body cool and prevent you from mistaking thirst for hunger. The body?s metabolism is immensely improved with water.

3. 3 fruit servings should be eaten in a day (Whole fruit):

Fruit when eaten whole is full of fiber and antioxidants. It can help one stay full and satiated and can thwart unhealthy eating tendencies. Fiber helps to decrease the amount of calories the body absorbs. Stay away from fruit juices which often contain a lot of unhealthy sugar.

4. Eat 4 vegetable servings in a day:

Vegetables are the low calorie choice to fill you up with. 1 cup raw or 1? a cup of cooked vegetables would amount to 1 serving. Avoid starchy vegetables. Vegetables are rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber and can be a nutritious and low calorie choice when you are on a diet.

5. Stay away from foods containing hydrogenated and trans-fats:

Fried foods top the list of foods containing the said type of fat. These fats are chemically altered to increase the shelf life of foods and make them more affordable. Processed foods have a high probability of containing these fats. They have serious undesirable effects on health. They pose a great risk to cardiovascular health by increasing the bad type of fats like cholesterol and triglycerides.

6. Eat 5 small meals a day:

Avoid over-stuffing yourself with heavy meals. Space out your meals into smaller portions throughout the day. This is a very efficient strategy when it comes to maintaining a consistency in your blood glucose levels. This can, in fact prevent you from being too hungry and reach out to unhealthy foods.

7. Eat dinner early:

It is important to have dinner early. Committing to late night meals and snacks can be the greatest weight loss blunder. When you sleep the body is resting and does not need additional calories from the extra food. Most of this late night binging can be attributed to emotional stress and melt downs. In fact, having dinner at least 2 hours before you hit the sack can help you to burn more calories. Eat lighter meals in the evening and stay away from late night snacks.

8. Stay away from alcohol:

Alcohol on an average adds about 7 calories per gram. It can enhance the taste and ambiance of the meal. Chances are that you will eat more when you include a few drinks along with your meals. Besides, alcohol is an excellent source of simple sugars and can waste your days worth of hard work.

9. Exercise harder:

If you think you are doing everything right and still not losing the weight you should then think twice. It may be that you are not working out right. It could be that you are not doing it with the right intensity. Get informed and try exercising harder to see results.

10. Be Motivated:

It is important to stay motivated. To err is human and it is common to falter sometimes. But don?t lose sight of your greater goals. Stay focused and motivated and do not divert away from the weight loss track



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